90 Days of Consistent Exercise and Healthy Eating

I started a 90 day ‘Get Your Sexy Back Challenge’ and I’m really proud of how well I’m doing!
Clean eating is not one of my strong suits….yet, but I have made some improvements. I’m eating more fruits and veggies, cutting back on the amount of chocolate I consume(sweets are a major weakness!) In August I decided to start working out by doing this squat challenge.

The end of the month was a little rough and I started missing days but made them up and kept going.
For the month of September I’m doing this ‘burn 100 calories’ to get myself started in the mornings.
I would love to take the kids to the park at least twice a week and they can ride their bikes while I walk, or maybe I can go alone and walk the track. I’ll figure something out!


To maintain my results along with healthy eating and exercise – I’m using these products:

  • Berry Greens: gives me energy, contains 38 herbs and nutrient-rich superfood, dexotify, alkalize, balance my ph.
  • Thermofit: burn extra calories with my workouts, gives me energy, and suppresses my appetite.
  • Skinny Wraps: Tighten tone and firm my skin. Reduce the appearance of cellulite, Botanical based ingredients, progressive results over 72hrs.

I’m excited to see my results at the end of this month! My ultimate goal is to be down 30lbs by Spring of 2015, and the Holidays will be easier if I already have exercise in my routine. I would love to complete a full treatment of 4 wraps on myself this month, but I always sell out of them before I get a chance to!


Get Your Sexy Back!


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